
Posts Tagged ‘wget’

Use wget to download from hotfile – automated!

April 5, 2010 25 comments

To automatically download from Hotfile using Wget you can do the following:

wget --save-cookies /path/to/hotfilecookie --post-data "returnto=%2F&user=1234567&pass=yourpass&=Login" -O - > /dev/null

This will save your login to a cookie on your server and then we can do:

wget -c --load-cookies /path/to/hotfilecookie -i /path/to/inputfile -o /path/to/downloadlog -nc -b

This will set wget running in the background logging its progress to a download log. It will skip downloading any files that already exist, and it will read all the files to download from a file called inputfile. I hope this helps someone 🙂

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